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  • Dr. Godwin Ofikwu

How a Surgeon Can Put Family First

According to Dr. Godwin Ofikwu, if you want to start a family but need to balance your career and personal life, you should avoid situations that will interfere with your professional goals and look for a partner who will respect your priorities and your work. Surgeons must fulfill a lot of obligations and sacrifice their personal lives for their patients despite the demanding nature of their work. Your soul mate should also be a surgeon if you are one. Next, stay away from scenarios that will put your marriage at risk.

Despite having successful careers, surgeons frequently complain that it is difficult to explain their professional aspirations to their families. Many people struggle to articulate how long it takes to develop the crucial skills required for professional success. They must discuss how their education and the encouragement of their peers affected their choice to become surgeons. A successful career as a surgeon requires a strong feeling of self-worth and familial support.

Despite improvements in working conditions and diversity, as per Dr. Godwin Ofikwu, it is still difficult for surgeons to have a fulfilling family life. Many women feel deterred from pursuing this job during their reproductive years, despite the fact that the surgical residency program may be lengthy and taxing. The many societal obstacles for women seeking a profession in surgery were recently brought to light in a paper published in the International Journal of Surgery Global Health. Women may leave the sector due to rigidity and gendered expectations around work-life balance.

Starting to consider the surgical sector as a whole is one of the finest methods to discover a career that makes you happy as a surgeon. The ability to have a significant influence, collaboration, and flexibility are just a few advantages that surgeons enjoy. Numerous surgeons state that their jobs are fulfilling and that they would be open to continuing as department head or chief. High levels of responsibility and a love of solving problems are necessary for this kind of work.

Dr. Godwin Ofikwu asserts that surgeons are one of the most satisfied with their jobs in the U.S. Surgeons evaluated their work satisfaction at 4.3 stars, ranking it in the top 2 percent of all jobs, according to a CareerExplorer study of millions of individuals. Surgeons claim that their jobs make them happy because they allow them to express their personalities and abilities in important ways. While this could be the case for some, there are other aspects that might influence a surgeon's happiness.

You could strongly choose a career in surgery as a medical student. Top-notch general surgery training programs pair well with several blue-chip institutions. You will collaborate with residents and fellows as a resident or fellow. This profession is lucrative and tough, but it's not for everyone. In addition to producing papers and working with researchers, you'll be in charge of carrying out complicated operations.

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